New Events and Workshops Coming Soon!

Royally Relaxing: Refreshing Awaits You in the Secret Place, ADHD for couples, Teen girls with ADHD transitioning to college, Life purpose & calling discovery, Painted furniture workshop for fun and connection
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lIFE PURPOSE & Calling Workshop

A Leader's Life Purpose Calling Discovery Workshop

You were created by God for a unique part only you can play in his Kingdom. Want to learn more about that destiny? Join us for an exploration of your calling in this interactive workshop. The Calling Discovery Workshop is composed of eight interactive sessions that will guide you to discover the purpose of your life. Over the course of this workshop, you will learn what a calling is, what misconceptions exist surrounding callings, their personal life messages, and more.
Together you will create a Revelation Journal, and profile the audience you are called to reach. This course assists people in not only discovering but also clearly articulating God’s call on their lives. Based on materials by Life Coach Tony Stoltzfus from Redding, CA.

Friday night & Saturday: January 31, 6pm – 8pm and February 1, 10am – 5pm
SureHope Counseling & Training Center:
1126 Sam Newell Rd, Suite A, Matthews, NC 28105

Registration: $150

Pay to reserve your space now with QR code or email Includes 162 page “A Leader’s Life Purpose” workbook, interactive training, and light refreshments. Space is limited.

Charlotte, NC

2-Day Intensive | $150
Friday evening & Saturday
January 31 from 6pm-8 pm
& February 1 from 10am-5pm

Brain Science 101 - Unlock the Dreams Within You 

Our thoughts are powerful! Every thought builds a nerve cell - scientists call these the “magic trees of the mind.” We have 100 trillion magic trees in our minds! They create loops of thought. You will learn how to re-frame those thoughts and move to action to accomplish your goals! "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler." --Henry David Thoreau

Royally Relaxing: Principles of Rest  

A workshop that guides you into the presence of God as you make your own take-home lavender bath scrub. Explore the principles of rest and royalty. This will be an interactive workshop as you have the experience to make and take home your own "Royally Relaxing" lavender bath scrub while embracing your identity as a child of the King. You will learn how the different ingredients in the scrub symbolize the benefits that come when we take time for daily intimacy with God. In this chaotic world, experience the importance of living out of a lifestyle of rest so that you can be your most powerful you. You are the King’s child ~ it’s time for you to walk in your authority while being Royally Relaxed! 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen [woman], a royal priesthood, a holy [daughter], God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."  Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."