**WARNING** Don’t shoot the messenger... I know you're probably in the middle of something, but just hang with me for a second (wink). Did you know that according to the newest studies in neuroscience, the oft-admired 'talent' of multitasking is

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Can Spirituality Decrease Symptoms of Neurological Disorders?

Neurological disorders can occur across the lifespan of an individual.

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77.8% – 80% of Pastors Do Not Feel Adequately Prepared to Counsel Victims

Can you pick her out? Probably not. She’s become really good at faking her smile, stuffing her emotions and typically doesn’t have any visible bruises. How do I know this? Because I was one in three... “The thief (the devil) does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Christ) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (King James Bible, 1769/2017). Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a health crisis that affects thousands of women each year. In fact, 1 in 3 women around you are experiencing some form of abuse.

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The Diamond Ring Effect


Hosea 2:19, "And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy."

For those who have experienced a broken engagement, suffered through a divorce, the death of a spouse, or feel like their current "diamond ring" does not measure up to what was promised on bended knee - or maybe you are still waiting for your ring... there is a word of encouragement for you.

All everyone can talk about is the Great Solar Eclipse and the path of totality. "The Baily's beads” effect (Diamond Ring) is a feature of total solar eclipses. As the moon "grazes" by the Sun during a solar eclipse, the rugged lunar limb topography allows beads of sunlight to shine through in some places, and not in others." At the moment of contact, the Diamond Ring will appear....whoa...what?!

There was a sense of the Lord saying, "I'm going to give you a diamond ring." It was intense. After a few days of pondering this, there was a moment of sitting down in silence. Then the words began to flow as the Lord ministered to the heart. May this encourage those who need it:

The Diamond Ring
"It is known that you have had more than one diamond ring betrothed to you throughout your lifetime. As you sit here in the quiet, you are well aware that you now are left with none. Some days it plagues you and the tears come as if straight through the cracks in your heart. A cruel reminder that love below the clouds is but mere mortal and weak. Not only yours, but many other hearts lay numb in the wake of broken promises and shattered covenants. Go ahead and feel the loss. Experience the longing for what was intended because something greater is about to be revealed.

There is a message from the Lord - His love is strong. There has always been something greater for you. A sign of His love is coming. A diamond ring hung ABOVE the clouds where love is pure. A grand display as a reminder that you are His and you are loved. Bought with a price. Called by name. He is loyal and true. He is the Great I AM. The Beginning and the End. He will never leave you or forsake you. You can always count on Him.

The Creator of the moon and the stars will now craft a diamond ring and hang it in the sky. A reminder of His expansive love for you. His reach is far and wide, yet intimate and safe. Within His arms, you will find all you need. You are His beloved. Let this sign be a covenant reminder that you are here for a greater purpose. Do not get locked down at ground level but come up higher. Keep the greater perspective. Zoom out and see. Use wisdom in all things. This symbol is placed in the sky. A ring is given because of His love. You are His: daughter of the King, protected, comforted, embraced, and shielded."

Matthew 26:28, "For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."

May this message minister to you. The excitement for the eclipse is now greater than ever before. Receiving a ring from the King of Kings! Bring on the eclipse!

In Him,
Kelly Roberson, MA, LCMHCA, NCC
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate

Videos of the IFAS solar eclipse trip to Turkey 2006. Trevor O'Donoghue

Be A Lighthouse

"Be a lighthouse not a persuader." Be a safe place for people to come to when they are in their storm. So many times throughout Jesus' life he was rejected, yet when people had deep pain and problems he was the one they ran to.

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Ready To Bloom?

I was sitting on my porch yesterday morning enjoying the hot sun on my face and a warm cup of coffee. Over the past few weeks I've started a ritual of sorts - looking through my plant for blooms. About six weeks ago I planted a pink geranium surrounded by yellow marigolds. I guess the transplant from the nursery to my pot was just too taxing on the 'ol girl.

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A Stronger You

A Stronger YOU

It's been said, "Don't beat yourself up for what you didn't know." That's the beauty of time passing and seasons changing. Here we are rounding into the second week of June 2017. If you're feeling like me you are thinking, "WHERE has this year gone?!" 

It's easy to start to feel panic as you think about all the things that you haven't checked off your list yet. Or, a situation that has seemed to pull you 10 steps backward. I want to encourage you to PAUSE and BREATHE.Especially those of you who have just had a hard year. I believe breakthrough is coming!

"That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." Romans 8:28 MSG

I remember a gut-wrenching conversation with one of my mentors. As tears flowed down my face, I told her that I felt like the past season of my life was a waste. I had been deceived and stripped of most of my identity and dreams. I felt I had gone 10 steps backward. This wise woman looked across at me and gently placed her hand on mine and said, "Oh no honey, just look how much you know now." Mic drop! She was right! I wiped away the tears and sat up straight... 

"Look how much you know now." Difficult seasons are bridges, not barricades, which will bring much wisdom. Embrace each day with the new information and wisdom that you have from this past season of your life. There will be more seasons - more learning - best of all more WISDOM - and wisdom brings GROWTH.

[This Week's Prayer]
GOD THANK YOU for taking all the pain in my life and turning it into something good for your glory! Thank you for wisdom. I thank you that you are always working on my behalf to keep me on the path of my calling and destiny. What you have for me, no man can take! I praise you for being "Jehovah Nissi" - the Banner of Victory in every situation! Please protect me and those I care about as we go about our lives this week. Let the love of Jesus Christ demolish the evil in this world. ~In Jesus' name, Amen.

Love and Blessings,
Kelly Roberson, MA, LCMHCA, NCC
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate