A Stronger YOU
It's been said, "Don't beat yourself up for what you didn't know." That's the beauty of time passing and seasons changing. Here we are rounding into the second week of June 2017. If you're feeling like me you are thinking, "WHERE has this year gone?!"
It's easy to start to feel panic as you think about all the things that you haven't checked off your list yet. Or, a situation that has seemed to pull you 10 steps backward. I want to encourage you to PAUSE and BREATHE.Especially those of you who have just had a hard year. I believe breakthrough is coming!
"That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good." Romans 8:28 MSG
I remember a gut-wrenching conversation with one of my mentors. As tears flowed down my face, I told her that I felt like the past season of my life was a waste. I had been deceived and stripped of most of my identity and dreams. I felt I had gone 10 steps backward. This wise woman looked across at me and gently placed her hand on mine and said, "Oh no honey, just look how much you know now." Mic drop! She was right! I wiped away the tears and sat up straight...
"Look how much you know now." Difficult seasons are bridges, not barricades, which will bring much wisdom. Embrace each day with the new information and wisdom that you have from this past season of your life. There will be more seasons - more learning - best of all more WISDOM - and wisdom brings GROWTH.
[This Week's Prayer]
GOD THANK YOU for taking all the pain in my life and turning it into something good for your glory! Thank you for wisdom. I thank you that you are always working on my behalf to keep me on the path of my calling and destiny. What you have for me, no man can take! I praise you for being "Jehovah Nissi" - the Banner of Victory in every situation! Please protect me and those I care about as we go about our lives this week. Let the love of Jesus Christ demolish the evil in this world. ~In Jesus' name, Amen.
Love and Blessings,
Kelly Roberson, MA, LCMHCA, NCC
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate