The Remnant

Repost from November 15, 2012

An open letter to the church. My beloved friends, the time has come when we cannot operate under the shingle, “business as usual.” I know it’s hard in the new season because it is so unfamiliar. Our childhood memories of the American flag, sweet tea and an underlying respect and honor for what our founding fathers penned “One Nation Under God” is disappearing fast into time’s rear view mirror. There is a distinct line in the sand that has been drawn through our land. It is time to put away self-deception and ignorance.

I wish that things would just get back to normal. Normal is a lie. Life is organic. We must learn to be so in tune with the still small voice of the Lord that we adjust as needed. There will always be new strategies, new weapons, and new elements in which we are to navigate this Kingdom-story and the critical role we are all assigned. Bend, flow, listen, go and be flexible.

We are called the remnant and should be reminded that the way is narrow according to Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

So, with that said dear friends, I am calling forth the remnant to rise up! You will not be in the majority – that’s ok. You will be cornered and mocked – that’s ok – shake it off. We forge ahead gleaning the fields because our God is Lord of the Harvest! There are many precious new souls ready to be embraced by the Father’s love. So, our work is a privilege and people are watching. Be strong and courageous because someone’s life depends on it.

This is our wake up call to come out of our slumber. To know God’s Word and live it out loud. It is a mysterious adventure! We can walk with confidence knowing that we are on the winning team! It is an honor to stand for Truth. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “ All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” Be love, be light and transform your atmosphere.

Prayer:  I pray we lace up our Gospel shoes of peace and be armed with the Word of God, pulling down every stronghold that rises up against it. I pray that miracles would surround us as we go in faith. I am thankful that the very same power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave lives inside of us! I pray that we would overflow with the love of Jesus Christ and His Truth – allowing us to be a force that sends waves of His presence wherever we go today. Amen. 

~ Kelly Roberson
