
I've noticed that when I'm around certain significant people in my life, I walk away just feeling beautiful - a glow that only deep, "safe" friendships can produce. That beauty is a physical manifestation of what's happening on the inside. To be accepted and known. To be allowed to be authentic. Frown lines disappear, eyes that were once guarded are now open and ready to receive. Even in the "messy hair" moments you are at peace with your beauty because there is acceptance... however, it will always be limited because the source is still lacking.

God's presence: I believe this is a taste of what's happening when we allow ourselves to experience the quality friendship of the creator of the universe - God. Except this is a divine relationship to the highest power that can't be limited. "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends..." (John 15:15) There is just something that happens when we spend intimate time in the sanctuary of our King - our Father. We emerge with a glow - a peace that no one can take. "Honor and majesty are [found] in His presence; strength and joy are [found] in His sanctuary." (1 Chronicles 16: 27) Don't be scared to "go there." He is waiting for you in the sanctuary. There is no lack in a moment with our King. The overflow of His glory and majesty is a brook of acceptance and unconditional love for you. Peace, courage, joy, love, hope create a divine inner beauty that flows outward. So take a minute and just "be" - and you will come out beautiful... a reflection of His beauty and unconditional love... xo

Kelly Roberson, MA, CMHC
Therapist, Life Coach
