The Secret Ingredient to YOUR Resilience

Isn't it true that the best story-lines are filled with regular 'ol citizens who turn into heroes by overcoming "never-saw-that-coming" plot twists, uncertainties, and evil villains? 

WELCOME to the first installment of weekly posts that are intended to rekindle HOPE and ignite FIRE within a woman's soul! 

Everyone has a story. So, where do we find you within your story today? Is this a harvest season of abundance - or a long, winter season of quiet waiting? Some of you are struggling with your purpose and direction. Some with health and financial challenges. Some of you have dared to take hold of a life long dream, only to hit a brick wall. Some are celebrating as the door of abundance has finally been unlocked! The truth is, there are seasons. There are times of lack and there are times of plenty. How do we navigate them and keep our sanity?  

If you pulled back the curtain to my life's show this year, you would have seen a roller coaster of emotions: fear, panic, joy, praise, denial, hope, trust and peace. This summer I was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Also this summer, after thirteen long years of waiting for God's choice of a husband for me, I was engaged to the love of my life! Talk about plot twist! WHEW! You see, life happens. It's how we cope with things that makes us resilient - or not. Resilience is how well we "bounce back" from tough circumstances. My sweet friend, do you want to be resilient? The secret ingredient is to first place all your hope and trust in Jesus Christ - this is the FOUNDATION of resilience. 

How can we pray? Do not pray by looking at the problem - pray looking at Jesus. When you pray towards your problem or challenge you are making it an idol. What we focus on enlarges - it expands. We want to enlarge and expand JESUS and all His might power! Set the problem to the side and set your face toward Jesus. From another perspective, according to James 1:2, we can also consider it "great joy" when we face various trails because these things are maturing us so that we lack nothing.

[This Week's Prayer]
Father God, I pray this week that I would come to experience the vast, incredible power of your majesty. I lay all my life's burdens and plot twists at your feet. I ask that you show me How mighty you are in a tangible, real way. I ask you to show up in my life as the King of the Universe - and the Lover of my soul. I pray for your supernatural resilience as I put my hope in you alone. When I think about the fact that the train of your robe fills the whole temple, I fall on my face to worship your majesty! (I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Isaiah 6:1) You are worthy to be praised because you are a good Father and it's in your nature to provide for me! I anticipate your miraculous ways in my life this week! Let my life be a beacon of light for other's to see that would glorify you! Amen.

Kelly Roberson
Certified Life Coach
Rekindler of Hope & Fire-starter within Women's Souls